If You’re Christian Life Is Boring You’re Not Doing It Right

“If we preach a gospel apart from radical acts of justice and compassion, we preach a gospel Jesus never preached. And if we have radical acts of justice and compassion without the gospel, all we do is offer a better brand of misery.” Heath Adamson

Then the king will say to those at his right hand, "Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me." Matthew 25:34-36

When Jesus taught us he never separated justice and compassion from the gospel. The two were completely intertwined with one another. In the U.S. and other western cultures individualism reigns. It spills over into the church when we speak of Jesus wanting to be our personal Lord and Savior. There is, of course, truth to be he belief that God loves us personally. Yet, the message of the cross is not one simply of personal redemption. Rather it’s of a God who loves the world. A God who adopts us into his family. A God who teaches us that those in his kingdom care for others. A Christian who lives their life in isolation, or simply with their own family, lives a life that is in no way reflective of the first century church.

I’ve been fortunate to see caring for others demonstrated on a grand scale in Puerto Rico. Convoy of Hope is doing a great job of providing food to local churches and ministries that are distributing it all over the island. Yesterday volunteers gathered at the relief center and bagged 1,800 bags of groceries for distribution. Over 4,000,000 meals have been provided so far. I’m grateful for those who have given to make this possible.

Yet, you don’t have to travel to find need. In every community there are those in need of assistance. In everycommunity there are people who are treated unjustly. In every community there are those who are hurting and lonely. These people don’t only need Jesus, they also need Jesus’ church.

Let’s be there for them. If they’re hungry let’s feed them. If they’re naked let’s cloth them. If they’re lonely let’s visit them. If they’re treated unjustly let’s speak up and demand justice. 

This is how Jesus lived. This is how Jesus taught us to live. Great will be our reward.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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