This Morning I Noticed The Stars

It's 5:30 am. It's very cold. My coffee is hot.

I tend to rise pretty early. Haven't needed to set an alarm for quite some time now. Mr. Fox, my Wire Fox Terrier, and I take turns waking each other up. Today when I brought the leash to him he only partially glanced up at me, as if to say, "it's too early." He was soon on his feet though, and we headed outside for a stroll on a 14 degree morning.

The sky in the early morning hours before the sun rises is spectacular where I grew up. I left Cumberland, VA many years ago, and NY has been home for 23 years. It's never dark in the city. It's darker, but not dark. We see stars, but so many are hidden by the lights all around us. Whenever I'm back home I love to go out early and gaze at the stars. There are thousands upon thousands of them. An occasional meteor will streak by, and this morning I was fortunate enough to see one. Somehow I never seemed to notice the stars in my youth. I'm sure I saw them, but I never appreciated them the way I do now. It's easy to fail to appreciate something you see all the time. We tend to take those things for granted.

I want to do that less.

The people and things around us we see the most can be what we least appreciate. A simple thoughtful gesture from a stranger will be recalled and the story told to others, while at the same time a family member who is always there when we need them can be overlooked. The busyness of life can overshadow them much like what happens with the stars.

When Paul wrote to the brothers and sisters in Philippi one of the thoughts he began with was this;

"I thank my God every time I remember you." Philippians 1:3

As the year draws to a close let's look back with gratefulness, and look forward committed to appreciating the stars.

Our spouses, our children, our parents, our siblings; an uncle or aunt, nephew or niece, a cousin or friend; our faithful colaborer at church, our pastor, teacher, or ministry leader; truthfully there are a lot of stars. We just don't always see them. Let's look for them.

Well Mr Fox has gone back to sleep, my 4 year old cousin Benjamin has joined me, and I'm ready for another cup of coffee. As you enter your day I encourage you to reflect on the stars in your own life. Like Paul, thank God for them. Then, also like Paul, let them know you're grateful.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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