Serving God When Life Gets Back To Normal

Everything about Christmas is a bit extra special. Special church services and family gatherings are wonderful, and create lasting memories. It doesn't take long for life to return to a normal routine though. We head back to work, the kids will soon return to school, the decorations come down, and life gets back to its' everyday grind.

That would have happened to Joseph and Mary as well. Joseph would have to go back to work, Mary had a newborn that was going to require constant attention, the shepherds returned to the fields, wise men headed back east, and life moved on. It's what has to happen. I found an awesome quote about this from Dr. Rutland.

"Mary discovered life goes on after the angels leave. Thrilling supernatural moments of splendor punctuate our lives but life, REAL LIFE, must be lived with patient faith once the angels depart." -Dr Mark Rutland

The Christian life isn't lived on top of a mountain. The routine of life has ups and downs, and can even become monotonous at times. But that's real life.

"For if we live, we live to the Lord." Romans 14:8

Getting up each morning and serving God when nothing exciting is taking place is practical Christianity. It's doing all we do as unto God and not unto men (Col 3:23). It's doing whatever we do with all our might (Eccl 9:10). It's seeking to please God in how we do our jobs, wash dishes, care for our children, and love our spouses.

Mary may not have had any supernatural visitors in the days following the birth, but her life was just as meaningful.

So is yours.

Let's seek to glorify God in all we do.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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