Christmas: When Ordinary Becomes Extraordinary
There's something special about the days before Christmas. Everything about them seems a bit extra special. I realize we don't really know what day Jesus was born, but I still wonder what things were like a few days ahead of time. I can't imagine there was anything special about them. But I wonder.
I wonder;
I wonder if Joseph and Mary had reached Bethlehem yet? Were they already sleeping where animals sleep? Had the contractions started? Did Joseph shout, "somebody get me a towel and some hot water?"
I wonder;
I wonder when the Wise Men first saw the star?
Did they begin their journey before he was even born? They told Herod they had seen the star for about 2 years. Was the star there before Mary was even pregnant?
I wonder;
I wonder if any of the shepherds said something like, "I'm bored," through the course of the evening? I wonder if they brought the sheep with them into town looking for the baby? I wonder what the following night was like in the fields with the sheep? Did they stare at the stars? Wondering?
I wonder;
Joseph was from Bethlehem so his whole family would have been there. I wonder if his parents came to see the baby? If Mary couldn't figure out how she would get pregnant, and Joseph wanted to call the whole thing off, what did Joseph's parents think of this? Women often pick up on things men miss. I wonder if Joseph's Mom looked at the baby and just knew, there's something special about this baby?
One ordinary night God intercepted time and space, and changed everything forever.
In the midst of the ordinary, something extraordinary was occurring. In Heaven the dispatching orders for angels were ready. A new star was being placed in the sky, and Gabriel must have been smiling as he thought, "this is gonna be good."
Your life may seem very ordinary today as well, but that doesn't mean the King of Kings and Lord of Lords isn't actively involved in it. It's hard to get excited about what you can't see, but it should build our faith. Christmas reminds us of the presence of God in our lives and in this world. Christmas reminds us that the ordinary becomes extraordinary with God. Christmas fills our hearts with wonder. Life may seem ordinary, but this night angels will declare the same thing angels declared that night.
"The whole earth is full of His glory."
Following the Son,
James A Williams
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