A New Year Is Coming

The ending of one year and beginning of another is always a time of reflection. We're compelled to look back on the events of the previous year, and look ahead to where we're going. As you do let me offer some quick advice.

1. Thank God for grace. 
You can't relive 2017 just like you can't relive any year. There will always be ways we fall short, or goals we didn't meet. We will always be able to recall things we wish we hadn't said, or had done differently. We sat at a dinner table this week for Christmas with my stepmother and other family. She and my Dad were married for close to 27 years and this was our first Christmas without him. As she recalled the last year of Dad's life she began to say things she feels she could have done differently. Reality is that she was a great wife to my Dad through many years and as he battled illness at the end. We assured her of this. We all have such thoughts, but none of us can go back. The grace of God is sufficient. Rest in it.

2. Set some good spiritual goals. 
Resolutions are often forgotten early, but a good Bible reading plan will equip you for whatever the year holds. If you have let yourself grow slack in important areas of spiritual discipline now is the time to jump start your walk with God. Being connected to a good local church needs to be a high priority as well. Make sure your church is a better place in 2018 because you're a part of it.

3. Prioritize your family. 
Career, education, acquiring possessions, and other goals are good, but they are still goals related to temporary things. There's nothing wrong with those things at all. Just remember though that your family is the only thing you have that is going into eternity with you. Being home watching TV while your teenage child is down the hall in their room on social media isn't family time. Plan ways to connect. Your kids may act annoyed, but they will appreciate the effort.

The God who declares in Revelation that he makes all things new is about to grant you a new year. Draw near to Him, rest in his grace, love your family, and trust His plan. 

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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