Stop Whining

When the children of Israel were delivered from 400 years of slavery in Egypt they had every reason to celebrate. Initially they did, but it was very short lived. In no time their celebration was replaced with complaining. They complained about the water being bitter, they complained about the food, they complained about Moses, and the list went on. Once they reached the land God had promised Abraham they sent spies in to check it out. When they returned only two of the ten spies said that God would give them the land. The rest complained. They said we're like grasshoppers in their sight. We'll all die out here.

God was so angered by their constant complaining that at one time many of them were killed, and he said no one is going into the land I promised except for the two spies who brought back a good report. For the next 40 years the complainers would wander around in circles and go no where.

When the Holy Spirit spoke through Paul to the early church He inspired Paul to write these words;

"Do everything without complaining and arguing" Philippians 2:14.

That's a pretty radical statement if you think about it. Not some things. Not even most things. Do "everything."

Over my years of disciplining believers I've seen too many stuck in a circle like the Hebrew people. They get trapped in a chronic cycle of complaining about everything and can't get out of it. Complaining about work, complaining about their spouses and children, complaining about things at church, complaining at restaurants and businesses, everywhere they go always casting a jaundiced eye at everyone and everything. It's a terrible trap that God wants to set his children free from. Medical research has revealed that chronic complaining physically rewires our brains for frustration and depression.

"In everything give thanks." I Thessalonians 5:18.

Like the Hebrew people we've been delivered. Jesus set us free from the bonds of sin and death. We have every reason to be grateful. If we aren't careful complaining can become our default reaction to things. However, if we practice giving thanks we can replace it with a grateful attitude that pleases God.

Everything is a pretty all inclusive word. Let's seek to do "everything" without complaining while we give thanks in "everything." It may take a little practice, but we have what it takes, and every reason, to be a thankful people.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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