Leaving A Legacy

Leaving a legacy. A legacy is defined as something one generation leaves for those that follow. It serves as a bit of a challenge to all parents, grandparents, uncles & aunts, and really anyone who has opportunity to influence the next generation.

There was a man who lived a long time ago who had great influence over the generations that followed him. His descendants were nomads and we read about them in Jeremiah 35.

"Jehonadab son of Rekab ordered his descendants not to drink wine and this command has been kept. To this day they do not drink wine, because they obey their forefather’s command." Jeremiah 35:14.

What's amazing about the account is that Jehonadab had been dead for multiple generations by the time you get to this passage. Yet his life was still having a direct impact on his great great grandchildren and beyond. 
My wife and I will soon experience the addition of our second grandchild. As our family grows I'm awed by the awesome responsibility of influencing the generations that follow me. My grandchildren will hear phrases and learn life lessons that I learned from my grandparents. This reminds me that the things they learn from me will some day be taught to their grandchildren. Children I will never meet.
I hope to have as strong an impact on those generations as Jehonadab did on those that followed him.
How about you? What sort of legacy are you leaving for future generations? Let's let Father work through us to influence those who follow us for years to come.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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