God's Grace Is Nothing Like Three Year Old Cake

It keeps happening to me. At night I get tired and go to bed. I sleep for a while, and then the next morning I wake up. It's been going on for years. Pretty much all my life.

One of the great things about each new day is that it's a bit of a fresh start. Sometimes the thought of what the day holds can seem overwhelming, which is why thinking about what's praiseworthy as you enter your day is so important (Philippians 4:8). There's an awesome truth over each new day you never want to forget. No matter what lies before you today this promise is true as soon as you open your eyes.

"The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning." Lamentations 3:22-23.

God's mercies are never stale. Ever pour a bowl of cereal only to discover the cereal is stale? Or fill the bowl and then discover the milk is sour? So disappointing. My eldest son and his wife saved their wedding cake for their one year anniversary. It was in our freezer, but they ended up living 8 hours away from us. It was their third anniversary when we finally opened the cake to eat it. If you've never had three year old wedding cake try to imagine you're eating some cardboard and then someone pours motor oil on it and sprinkles some crushed tree bark on top. It wasn't that good, but you get the idea. God's love is never old, is never outdated, and never runs dry.

God's mercies are new with the fresh start of each new day. Maybe you blew it yesterday. Today's a day to receive the grace of God and continue to live for him. Perhaps you walked away from following God a long time ago. Good news! His mercy is new today. Turn away from what led you astray and turn back to him. Father is ready to receive you with open arms. 

Each day is new. Each day holds new mercies. Let's keep following Christ.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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