"Will You Marry Me?"

It was the Fall of 1989. I was driving to the Bronx each weekend from Pennsylvania to visit Sarai. We were already planning to get married the following Summer, but then something happened. Sarai was staying with her brother, and he decided to move back to Puerto Rico. In response, we moved our wedding date up to December 24th and the wedding planning went into overdrive. 

The Bible says that, "He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord," Proverbs 18:22. When I found my wife, I found a good thing.

Marriage can be a lot of work. Especially if you marry someone like me. Oh I try, but when it comes to being romantic I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed. But I sure do love and appreciate my wife, and I love knowing that she loves and appreciates me. Turns out my brother in law didn't move back to Puerto Rico, and we got married early anyway. That's ok though, because it gave me an extra 6 months with a woman I'd marry all over again.

The weather will soon be cooler. I'll be grateful for the aromas, flavors, and tastes of Fall. I'll also be grateful for the memories from 28 years ago when Sarai and I sped up the journey to spend the rest of our lives together.
My hair line is a little higher now with a few, shall we say, "silver highlights." My back's a little stiffer. There's a few lines around my eyes, and those eyes don't work as well as they did 28 years ago. But as I sit here with my pumpkin coffee thinking about life, I'm ready for the next 28 years.

Following The Son,

James A Williams


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