When We Disagree: Some Thoughts On The NFL

"If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them." Luke 6:32.
These are tough days in our nation. Battle lines are being drawn and many are taking sides. One of the great things about being an American is that you're given the right to have an opinion, and to express how you feel. Our founders wrote it into the constitution, and although our history is tainted the truths of liberty remain.

Just like the rest of America, believers disagree with one another over whether it's appropriate to sit, kneel, or stand during the anthem. Apparently those who support standing are boycotting the NFL, but those who support kneeling were already boycotting the NFL so I'm guessing that only those who hop on one foot or spin in circles during the anthem were watching yesterday. My personal belief is that men and women fought to give you the right to express yourself. Whether I agree with your expression or not isn't relative. It's still your right. But that's my opinion and if you take it to the corner store with $1.75 you can get a cup of coffee.

This post is about my concern for brothers and sisters in the body of Christ. Be sure you're loving everyone this week. Not just those who love you. Everyone loves people who think like they do. That's no credit to anyone. It requires great strength to pray for your enemies, to be kind to people who don't deserve it, and to show grace when you're angry. It's especially important that we are good to one another as believers. In fact, it's commanded.

I'm fine with a man kneeling during the anthem. He's not protesting the anthem. He's protesting racism. Racism is wicked and evil and needs to stop. Will you still love me if you disagree with me about his expression? Will you speak kindly to me and of me? I sure hope so, and I hope I'll do the same for you. 

The world is watching us.

"By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:35.

"Father, may your church demonstrate radical love and unity this week, as the world sees our love and respect for one another in the midst of our diversity and differences."

Following the Son,

James A Williams


  1. So well painted.
    Said with a soft beautiful prayer of truth, requiring meditation and reflection.
    Thank you and God Bless your gift gental words of truth.
    May I repost and share your thoughts and God's word with others ?

    1. Absolutely. There's a share link at the top of the blog. Thanks


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