Show Me Your Glory

The Glory of God isn't all that easy to define. When Moses prays, "show me your glory," what was he really asking for? God's response helps us when He tells Moses that He will cause his goodness to pass before him. The glory of God isn't a bright shining light, or sparkly glitter. (Man I hate glitter. I can assure you there will be no glitter in the New Jerusalem. Glitter is of the devil.) Anyway, back on topic.
To see God's glory is to see the manifestation of his goodness. It's to see His hand at work in a situation. We, like Moses, long to see this in our lives. What's difficult is that God operates in a realm where our eyes can't see. We live in the natural, God in the supernatural. Oh, it's just as real, and it's all around us. Once when Elisha was in trouble his servant was pretty stressed out over the situation. Elisha asked God to open his servant's eyes. He wasn't blind though. Elisha wanted him to be able to see what Heaven sees. When his eyes were opened he saw they were wrapped around with an angelic army. The angels were already there. He just couldn't see them.
Here's what's incredible about all this. When the prophet Isaiah had his vision of God's presence he heard the host of Heaven declaring these words, "And they were calling to one another: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty, the whole earth is full of his glory." Isaiah 6:3.
I realize these words I'm writing will be transmitted out into cyberspace, but the odds are high that you're reading this on earth. When Angels look at earth they see glory everywhere. The whole earth is full of it. God is manifesting His goodness even in areas where all we see is tragedy, pain, and loss. We may not be able to see it, but it's just as real as the angelic army Elisha and his servant saw one day.
When you look at your own life sometimes things may look bad. Sometimes things are bad. That doesn't mean God isn't at work though. Trust that the God you can't see will reveal His goodness in the world you can see in His perfect timing. Yet, even before you see it with your natural eyes know that the host of Heaven is already declaring it over your life in the supernatural.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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