One Day Dirt Became Holy...And One Day So Did You

Was the soil special? 
Was the dirt unique? 
Was the grass anointed?

These questions may seem silly, but one day Moses was out tending sheep when God spoke these words to him,

Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground." Exodus 3:5.

What had changed? Surely Moses had walked here before. This was where he tended the sheep. His sheep had eaten this grass. He'd walked on this soil. He'd probably seen this bush. He never took his sandals off before.

But today was like no other day. The presence of God was there. The presence of God made ordinary ground, holy ground. The presence of God does this to everything, and more importantly...everyone.

When I first came to faith in Christ my life was transformed. Old things passed away and all things became new. It happened in your life as well. Yet, I would find myself in church and we would sing songs that would call us to lift up holy hands, and I wouldn't. My hands weren't holy...or so I thought, but I was wrong. The presence of God was now in me.

"For in him we live and move and have our being." Acts 17:28.

In Ephesians we read that Christ lives in our hearts. When Jesus moves into our hearts we become holy, and although it's true that holiness is something we grow and increase in, we are already in his presence. To call our hands holy hands isn't to declare anything about our own hands. It's a declaration that the presence of God is in us. It's an acknowledgment that God's grace is sufficient to cover every sin. It's the recognition that what's ordinary becomes holy when God shows up.

One day that happened to some dirt.

And one day it happened to you. Remember who you are.

Following the Son,
James A Williams


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