You're Not Finished Yet

“You often get a second chance to make a first impression."

"Opportunity knocks twice."

"You only get two shots...or maybe 3 or 4."

"Twice in a lifetime opportunity."

I know, I know, that's not how those expressions really go. Yet as catchy as the originals are they aren't always true. Life is filled with second chances. In fact, every day holds a few new ones and the mercies of God are new every morning.

Moses wanted to deliver his people, but went about it all wrong. Years later God gave him another chance.

When given the opportunity to save her people from genocide Esther chickened out. She responded by asking, “Can we try this again tomorrow?” (My paraphrase) Another opportunity would come. 

From Peter denying Jesus and later boldly proclaiming the gospel to thousands, to Jonah getting spit out by a fish in Nineveh, to Samson, to David, to Abraham, and more, the Bible is filled with people who got it right later.

You're still breathing, your heart is still beating, you still have more time. Henry Ford once said, "Failure is simply an opportunity to begin again. This time more intelligently." So if you think you missed your chance, think again. God isn't finished with you. In fact, your finest moment may be just ahead.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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