Remind Me What's True

Sometimes my wife tells me she told me things that I have no recollection of ever hearing in my entire life. She's able to recount conversations with me that I am unaware ever occurred. This is the story of a lot of men. Women believe we don't pay attention to them, men believe women never really tell us these things and that we're all being set up.
There's an entirely different circumstance that results in people forgetting things in Luke 24. The women who had come to the tomb to prepare Jesus' body for burial had actually forgotten that Jesus told them He would rise again. That seems like something that would be pretty hard to forget. In all fairness to them though, sometimes life is difficult enough that we may find ourselves making decisions simply based on circumstances instead of what God has told us is true. When life is tough, and it sure can be, sometimes you need to be reminded of what God said. That's what the angels at the tomb did for those women. When your friend or loved one is so shaken they seem to have forgotten what God's word says, be that angel to them. Help them recall what the Bible says is true. That word in season may be the very thing they need to make it through.
As for me, I need to run to the store and get some milk...or was it cheese...or the dry cleaner...I'm in trouble.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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