You've Got A Story To Tell

Once while swimming off the coast of North Carolina I got caught in a rip current. As hard as I swam I simply could not get back to shore. Completely exhausted I began to call out to a surfer for help. He quickly paddled over to me and let me hold on to his surfboard as we kicked our way back to shore. It was a frightening experience and needless to say, I was a grateful man.
In James 5 we are told that whoever turns a sinner from the error of their ways will save them from death. Unlike my ocean experience, people who are spiritually in danger don't always recognize their need. Sometimes they think they are just fine. They still need to be brought to Christ though and Jude says that saving them can be like snatching their souls from the fire. Saving the lost isn't the job of a professional evangelist or delegated to missionaries. The Bible teaches us that God has given all of us the ministry of reconciliation. Every one of us has a part to play in reconnecting people to God. My prayer is for God to use each of us uniquely to reach out to someone who has wandered from the faith. Most all of us know someone who used to walk closely to Christ who has been drawn away by the world. Let's let God use us to reach out and bring them home.
I've never heard the surfer tell the story of my near drowning experience, but in his version he's the hero. As we help someone home, God will get all the glory, but what a great story we will have to tell as well.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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