God Has Placed Eternity In Your Heart

I had to have it. It was a little 2 seat Ford EXP. Two-toned burnt orange and black, stick shift, bucket front seats...it was 1985, I was a recent high school grad, this car had my name written all over it. Can you just picture my long flowing hair blowing in the wind as I rode through town? This car would make me happy. So I bought it. As the months went by the payments kicked in, and then something terrible happened. The engine blew. I had to get a loan to replace it, and now I had two payments on one car. Then something terrible happened. The engine blew. That wasn't a misprint. It happened again. This time I borrowed the money from my grandfather, and now I had three payments on one car. I used my long flowing hair to dry my tears.

Things can't satisfy you. Whether the engine blows or not they can't because it's not how you're created. The writer of Ecclesiastes says that God has put eternity into our hearts (3:11). I believe it was placed there as a longing for something more. The problem comes when that longing is misunderstood. It's intended purpose was to draw us closer to Father. When we miss that we end up chasing after earthly relationships and things to satisfy us. It never works.

Life on earth is but a vapor. No matter how long you stick around it's relatively short for everyone. Eternity is...well...it's eternal. Someday we will all enter it. For the children of God I believe that we will experience an incredible "Aha" moment when we enter Heaven. I won't be surprised if you shout, “This was it! This is what I was longing for in my heart! This is what I always desired!" 

You weren't made for earth. You're just a pilgrim passing through. Try as you will, you'll never be completely comfortable here. It's not in your heart. So when you get that feeling inside that says, "I want something more," remember that it's coming. A place is being prepared for you. Don't get distracted with temporary things in the mean time.

Oh, and if you see a broken down EXP on the side of the road stop and give me a ride.

Following the Son,
James A Williams


  1. "I used my long flowy hair to dry my tears" πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


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