A Not So Trivial Pursuit

Have you ever played Trivial Pursuit? If you have the ability to remember random pieces of what are often useless bits of information it can be a lot of fun.
For example: What do you fear will stick to the roof of your mouth if you have arachibutyrophobia?
Of course, they're not all that easy.
In the Bible we read of a pursuit that is not so trivial. The pursuit of God. God encouraged this pursuit, and Jesus called his disciples with the phrase, "Follow me." There's nothing trivial about this pursuit. A pursuit of God will change our lives, our view of God, and our view of the world around us. The song writer wrote, "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace."
I challenge us today to rekindle our pursuit of God. Jeremiah said that if we'll seek him we will find him, if we seek with all our heart. 
I'm going to need some energy for this pursuit so first things first I think I'll have something to eat... but not peanut butter.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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