Hold On Tight

"Do not let go of the leash. I need for you to understand that if you let go of the leash no matter what you say to me I will say it was your fault the dog got away. He may run in the street. He could get hit by a car. I will let you walk him, but no matter what happens, no matter how hard he pulls, do not let go of the leash."
These are my words to my nephew before we head off on a dog walking adventure. My emphasis results in both hands on the leash with a noticeable grip in place, which is exactly what I wanted. I already know the dog is going to try to pull himself free. A squirrel will come, another dog will be out on a walk, and he will pull as hard as he can to get loose. I also know that this cannot be allowed to happen.
In II Thessalonians 2 Paul writes to the church and tells us to, "keep a strong grip," on the teaching we've received. There would be no reason to keep a strong grip unless something or someone was going to try to pull it away. Paul knew that false teachers and false doctrines would come. The enemy of our souls would try to cause us to lose focus on what really matters. So the warning came to hold on tight. This is a warning that needs to be heeded today as much as ever before. The world does a great job of making evil sound good, and good sound evil. If you aren't careful you'll hold truth loosely enough that it will slip away. That can't happen. Let's answer the call to keep a strong grip on what we know to be true; on the Word we've been taught. Nothing can snatch us from the hand of God, so let's be sure that nothing snatches his truth from ours.

Following The Son,
James A Williams


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